Roinnean-seòrsa tracaidh

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Chì thu na roinnean-seòrsa tracaidh air an duilleag seo a thèid a chur riutha gu fèin-obrachail leis a' bhathar-bhog MediaWiki. 'S urrainn dhut na h-ainmean a tha orra atharrachadh 's tu ag atharrachadh teachdaireachdan an t-siostaim iomchaidh san ainm-spàs MediaWiki.

Roinn-seòrsa tracaidh Ainm na teachdaireachd Cuspairean-deuchainn gus roinnean-seòrsa a chur ris
Duilleagan sa bheil ceanglaichean faidhle a tha bristebroken-file-categoryTha ceangal gu faidhle briste am broinn na duilleige (ceangal gus faidhle a leabachadh fad 's nach eil am faidhle ann).
Duilleagan a chleachdas argamaidean dùblaichte ann an gairm teamplaidduplicate-args-categoryTha gairmean teamplaid sa bheil argamaidean dùblaichte air an duilleag seo, can {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} no {{foo|bar|1=baz}}.
Duilleagan far an deachas thairis air a' chrìoch leudachaidhexpansion-depth-exceeded-categoryTha an leudachadh san duilleag nas doimhne na tha ceadaichte.
Duilleagan le cus expensive parser function callsexpensive-parserfunction-categoryTha cus foincseanan cosgail a' pharsair (can #ifexist) am broinn na duilleige. Faic Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit.
Roinnean-seòrsa falaichtehidden-category-categorySeo roinn-seòrsa le __HIDDENCAT__ 'na susbaint ach nach nochd i ann am bogsa nan ceanglaichean gu roinnean-seòrsa air na duilleagan o thùs.
Duilleagan air a' chlàr-innseindex-categoryTha __INDEX__ air an duilleag seo ('s tha i ann an ainm-spàs far a bheil a' bhratach seo ceadaichte) 's mar sin thèid a chur ri inneacsan luirg le botaichean ged nach tachradh seo gu h-àbhaisteach.
Duilleagan far an deachas thairis air cunntas nan nòdannode-count-exceeded-categoryTha barrachd nòdan san duilleag na tha ceadaichte.
Duilleagan nach deach inneacsadhnoindex-categoryCha dèid an duilleag seo a chur ris an inneacs luirg le botaichean on a tha am facal draoidheach __NOINDEX__ air 's a tha i ann an ainm-spàs far a bheil a' bhratach seo ceadaichte.
Pages with non-numeric formatnum argumentsnonnumeric-formatnumThe page contains a non-numeric argument to the formatnum parser function.
Duilleagan air an deach argamaidean teamplaidean fhàgail àspost-expand-template-argument-categoryBidh an duilleag nas motha na $wgMaxArticleSize às dèidh argamaid teamplaid a leudachadh (rudeigin eadar camagan dualach trìoblaichte, can {{{Foo}}}).
Duilleagan far a bheil meud nan teamplaidean a' dol thairis air na tha ceadaichtepost-expand-template-inclusion-categoryBhiodh an duilleag nas motha na $wgMaxArticleSize às dèidh a h-uile teamplaid a leudachadh 's mar sin cha deach a h-uile teamplaid a leudachadh.
Pages with ignored display titlesrestricted-displaytitle-ignoredThe page has an ignored {{DISPLAYTITLE}} because it is not equivalent to the page's actual title.
Pages which use = as a templatetemplate-equals-categoryThe page contains {{=}} but on this wiki that does not expand to =. This usage is deprecated; a future MediaWiki version will implement {{=}} as a parser function.
Pages with template loopstemplate-loop-categoryThe page contains a template loop, ie. a template which calls itself recursively.
Pages where the unstrip depth limit is exceededunstrip-depth-categoryThe page exceeds the unstrip depth limit.
Pages where the unstrip size limit is exceededunstrip-size-categoryThe page exceeds the unstrip size limit.
Pages with reference errorscite-tracking-category-cite-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags.
Pages with syntax highlighting errorssyntaxhighlight-error-categoryThere was an error when attempting to highlight code included on the page.
Pages using deprecated enclose attributessyntaxhighlight-enclose-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax.
Pages using deprecated source tagssyntaxhighlight-source-categoryThe syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags.
Pages with math errorsmath-tracking-category-errorPages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags.
Pages with math render errorsmath-tracking-category-render-errorPages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags.
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tagsmath-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecationPages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tagsmath-tracking-category-texvc-deprecationPages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags